First ship the Zawisza Czarny was bought in 1934 Russian sailing ship Petre. During World War II it was appropriated by Hitlerites and stayed near Flensburg. On it was the Kriegsmarines for training. After the War it was in too bad repare that renowation wasn't economic, so Zawisza Czarny went to endless watch (in Polish "wieczna wachta").
Zawisza Czarny II is conversed fish cutter Cietrzew. Cutters type like Cietrzew was built for fishing on Baltic Sea, later also on North Sea. But because of gross mistakes those cutters weren't safe, so some of them conversed to another type of ship, the rest was sold for scrap.
Zawisza (the first and the second) belong to Polish Scouting and Guiding Association. 2nd ship has been sailing since 1961. It became famous due to the bravery lifesaving action on Atlantic near to Bermuda - it helped to the crew of Marques (which sank because of squall - extra strong unexpected wind). The weather was terrible - strong wind and high sea state restricted action. The crew of Zawisza Czarny proved their courage, mettle - they rescued people who were in water and stayed on place of disaster to search for any shipwreck survivors. When it came to Bermuda Islands it was greeted as a hero, the crew got reward "Fair Play" from the Olympic Committee.

General characteristics:
tonnage: 166 t
lenght: 42,9 m
depth: 4,6 m
sail area: 625 square meters
crew: 46 person
Mateusz 3f
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