If my posts "Polish sailing ships:" interest you, you need to see those ships in front of your eyes. Dar Pomorza (this means Pomerania Gift) always stays in Gdynia in front of the glamorous pier. One hundred metres along pier often stays Dar Młodzieży (it has only three or four voyages in year).
One of firsts journeys Dar Młodzieży's was to Osaka in 1983. It started on 22nd July. During journey winds didn't help to the Polish ship, but in finals days wind changed and crew could set all sails. So Dar Młodzieży under all sails came to Osaka. The effect was that 200 000 people visited ship in only 12 days.
In Operation Sail '86 Dar stayed 4 days in Newcastle. During that time the ship was visited by scads of men and they hailed it as the most beautiful ship.

In Osaka Sail '97 (whole voyage is 28.12.1996 - 20.08.1997) Dar Młodzieży took first place in tall ships class A. It left behind stern many known ships.
In every year Dar Młodzieży takes part in The Tall Ships' Races and always gets good places (generally 1st, 2nd or 3rd place). In 2013 it was acting a represant ship in the final of Regatta.
Mateusz 3f
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