Today I was learning to school, and doing some projects. I'm was also looking for a dress for a ball, and I found it. I have to go to buy a heels and come up with some makeup and hairdo. In two weeks we have a ball, I can't wait. I wonder what the theme of the ball will be. I'm curious how polonaise will come out
Tosia O. 3f
Sunday, 3 June 2018
This day was a really weird day. I was in hospital, because I fainted, so that was second day of doing nothing. At the evening I went to the cinema for "Tully" with my bestie. This film was strong, but also really good. In bed I thought about the fact that practically in a few days I would finish my gymnasium
Tosia O. 3f
Tosia O. 3f
This day was really hot and good, because today there wasn't school. Actually I didn't do anything interesting. I'm just sat and did nothing.
Only in the evening I went for a barbecue at my best friend's house. I spend a lot of great fun with my friends.
Tosia O. 3f
Only in the evening I went for a barbecue at my best friend's house. I spend a lot of great fun with my friends.
Tosia O. 3f
Monday, 28 May 2018
Polish sailing ships: Fryderyk Chopin

This was fulfilled on Chopin's deck until a disaster - both its masts were broken by very strong wind - 11 degrees of Beaufort scale - its 60 knots (115 km/h)! It was violent storm where wave height reached 15 meters! Ship was in big trouble, especially because it was 160 km from land. Fish cutter helped Chopin, but later asked for a lot of money, which was too much. Ship had to be sold, so Piotr Kulczyński bought it. As an effect, now it's fulfilling its duty as a "blue school"- a sailing school for Polish students looking to travel the world.
General characteristics:
tonnage: 400 t
lenght: 55,5 m
depth: 3,8 m
sail area: 1200 square metre

Mateusz 3f
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Polish sailing ships: Lwów

After 1929 Lwów was barracks for Polish navy, in 1938 it was sold for scrap (the proposal of make the ship - museum was rejected).
During Lwów's service it sailed 65 000 miles and it was the first Polish ship which sailed across equator.

tonnage: 1293 t
lenght: 85,1 m
height: 33,5 m
depth: 6,9 m
sail area: 1500 square metre
Mateusz 3f
Polish sailing ships: Kapitan Borchardt

General characteristics:
tonnage: 173 tlenght: 45 m
depth: 3,21 m
sail area: 10 sails
600 square metre
crew: 41 trainees + pernament staff
Mateusz 3f
Saturday, 26 May 2018
OMG, the last one!
In a month, I am finishing the gymnasium I attended for three years. I've learned many things for three years. I understood how many things work. I feel much smarter. In this school I got to know my weaknesses and strengths. I know subjects at i am good at and knowwhat direction I should develop. Now I know that chemistry is my hated subject. After finishing school, I will burn all chemistry notebooks. I fell my English is much better than earlier. I see progress.
Manchester CIty
My favorite football club is Manchester City. He comes from England and plays in the Premier League. The club was founded in 1880 under the name Saint Marks. The stadium they play called Etihad Stadium. The current coach of the club is Pep Guardiola, he was a midfielder of Barcelona. This season, Manchester is going to win the League Cup, outclassed the other club, showing who is the real legend. In my opinion, the best player in the club is Sergio Aguero, the striker. In the future, I will go for a match in Manchester.
Polish sailing ships: Pogoria
The known Polish sailor Krzysztof Baranowski gave the idea of building a sailing ship for Bractwo Żelaznej Szekli and in 1980 that idea was realised. Pogoria is the first big sailing ship which was designed by Zygmunt Choreń and it is prototype for another three sailing ships: Iskra, Bulgarian Kariakra and Oceania (ship which was experimental sailing ship experimental PAN - Polish Academy of Science).
Pogoria's debut was in Cutty Sark Regatta in 1980 finished the won one of phases, was very important because this ship from the first was controversy. It's building was during economic gloom this costing a lot of money which created lots of controversy.
Baranowski to save Pogoria from sold deviced the voyage to Antarctica - transporting the people and equipment to the Polish Antarctic Station Henry Arctowski on the King George Island. This voyage didn't have any economic sense (too small loading area), but main goal - keep ship up under Polish flag - was done. It sailed 21 thousand miles, sail across Drake's Passage and was nearly to circumnavigated the Horn. The highest south latitude of Pogoria was 62 degrees and 10 minutes.
In school year 1983/1984 the School Under Sails had place on Pogoria. During 9 months on deck youths had one year of learning and sailed from Poland to India and back around the South Africa.
Since 1995 Pogoria has started in every Cutty Sark Regatta. Now Pogoria often has one or two weeks voyages for all. You can sing up on voyage on Pogoria's webside.
General characteristics:
tonnage: 290 t
lenght: 47 m
masts height: 32 m
depth: 3,6 m
sail area: 1000 square metre
crew: 52 person
Mateusz 3f
Pogoria's debut was in Cutty Sark Regatta in 1980 finished the won one of phases, was very important because this ship from the first was controversy. It's building was during economic gloom this costing a lot of money which created lots of controversy.
Baranowski to save Pogoria from sold deviced the voyage to Antarctica - transporting the people and equipment to the Polish Antarctic Station Henry Arctowski on the King George Island. This voyage didn't have any economic sense (too small loading area), but main goal - keep ship up under Polish flag - was done. It sailed 21 thousand miles, sail across Drake's Passage and was nearly to circumnavigated the Horn. The highest south latitude of Pogoria was 62 degrees and 10 minutes.

Since 1995 Pogoria has started in every Cutty Sark Regatta. Now Pogoria often has one or two weeks voyages for all. You can sing up on voyage on Pogoria's webside.
General characteristics:
tonnage: 290 t
lenght: 47 m
masts height: 32 m
depth: 3,6 m
sail area: 1000 square metre
crew: 52 person
Mateusz 3f
Friday, 25 May 2018
Polish sailing ships: Generał Zaruski

General characteristics:
tonnage: 88,95 t
lenght: 25,32 m
depth: 3,24 m
sail area: 327 square metre
crew: 25 people
Mateusz 3f
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Cristiano Ronaldo is famous Portugal football player. I think he is the best player on the world. He is the same hight as Robert Lewandowski but he is older. He started his career in Sporting Lizbona then he moved to Manchester United. He is really handsome. He's got dark hair and brown eyes. he has a lot of kids some of them are adopted. He earn a lot of money and he is really famous.
My favourite football player is Robert Lewandowski. He plays in Bayern Monachium. He is striker. His last club was Borussia Dortmund where he was very successfull. His carreer started in Varsovia club, then he changed the club for Znicz Pruszków. The Experts think that he is one of the best Polish football player in our history. He is 1.85m hight and he has dark, short hair. His eyes are brown. His wife is famous Karate champion and they have doughter - Klara!!!!!
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Polish sailing ships: Zawisza Czarny II
Zawisza Czarny - Polish knight from XIV - XV Century who was famous in the War Kingdom of Poland (and Lithuania) with Teutonic Order, another reason was his truthfulness.
First ship the Zawisza Czarny was bought in 1934 Russian sailing ship Petre. During World War II it was appropriated by Hitlerites and stayed near Flensburg. On it was the Kriegsmarines for training. After the War it was in too bad repare that renowation wasn't economic, so Zawisza Czarny went to endless watch (in Polish "wieczna wachta").
Zawisza Czarny II is conversed fish cutter Cietrzew. Cutters type like Cietrzew was built for fishing on Baltic Sea, later also on North Sea. But because of gross mistakes those cutters weren't safe, so some of them conversed to another type of ship, the rest was sold for scrap.
Zawisza (the first and the second) belong to Polish Scouting and Guiding Association. 2nd ship has been sailing since 1961. It became famous due to the bravery lifesaving action on Atlantic near to Bermuda - it helped to the crew of Marques (which sank because of squall - extra strong unexpected wind). The weather was terrible - strong wind and high sea state restricted action. The crew of Zawisza Czarny proved their courage, mettle - they rescued people who were in water and stayed on place of disaster to search for any shipwreck survivors. When it came to Bermuda Islands it was greeted as a hero, the crew got reward "Fair Play" from the Olympic Committee.

General characteristics:
tonnage: 166 t
lenght: 42,9 m
depth: 4,6 m
sail area: 625 square meters
crew: 46 person
Mateusz 3f
First ship the Zawisza Czarny was bought in 1934 Russian sailing ship Petre. During World War II it was appropriated by Hitlerites and stayed near Flensburg. On it was the Kriegsmarines for training. After the War it was in too bad repare that renowation wasn't economic, so Zawisza Czarny went to endless watch (in Polish "wieczna wachta").
Zawisza Czarny II is conversed fish cutter Cietrzew. Cutters type like Cietrzew was built for fishing on Baltic Sea, later also on North Sea. But because of gross mistakes those cutters weren't safe, so some of them conversed to another type of ship, the rest was sold for scrap.
Zawisza (the first and the second) belong to Polish Scouting and Guiding Association. 2nd ship has been sailing since 1961. It became famous due to the bravery lifesaving action on Atlantic near to Bermuda - it helped to the crew of Marques (which sank because of squall - extra strong unexpected wind). The weather was terrible - strong wind and high sea state restricted action. The crew of Zawisza Czarny proved their courage, mettle - they rescued people who were in water and stayed on place of disaster to search for any shipwreck survivors. When it came to Bermuda Islands it was greeted as a hero, the crew got reward "Fair Play" from the Olympic Committee.

General characteristics:
tonnage: 166 t
lenght: 42,9 m
depth: 4,6 m
sail area: 625 square meters
crew: 46 person
Mateusz 3f
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Polish sailing ships: Dar Młodzieży - interesting facts
Today at school I thought about which sailing ship to write about - Fryderyk Chopin, Zawisza Czarny, Kapitan Borchardt, Pogoria or another ship. However, I think only one short post about Dar Pomorza and Dar Młodzieży aren't enough to describe the two most known Polish ships.
If my posts "Polish sailing ships:" interest you, you need to see those ships in front of your eyes. Dar Pomorza (this means Pomerania Gift) always stays in Gdynia in front of the glamorous pier. One hundred metres along pier often stays Dar Młodzieży (it has only three or four voyages in year).
One of firsts journeys Dar Młodzieży's was to Osaka in 1983. It started on 22nd July. During journey winds didn't help to the Polish ship, but in finals days wind changed and crew could set all sails. So Dar Młodzieży under all sails came to Osaka. The effect was that 200 000 people visited ship in only 12 days.
In Operation Sail '86 Dar stayed 4 days in Newcastle. During that time the ship was visited by scads of men and they hailed it as the most beautiful ship.
In 1988 it was invited to the reunion of sailing ships in Australia. Decision was taken that journey was be around the world. The most known thing of that journey was came to Sydney under all sails and sailed under bridge in Sydney. During this passage Dar Młodzieży passed out the longest route (1241 miles) under sail without pause. In reward it got the award "Boston Tea Pot".
In Osaka Sail '97 (whole voyage is 28.12.1996 - 20.08.1997) Dar Młodzieży took first place in tall ships class A. It left behind stern many known ships.
In every year Dar Młodzieży takes part in The Tall Ships' Races and always gets good places (generally 1st, 2nd or 3rd place). In 2013 it was acting a represant ship in the final of Regatta.
Mateusz 3f
If my posts "Polish sailing ships:" interest you, you need to see those ships in front of your eyes. Dar Pomorza (this means Pomerania Gift) always stays in Gdynia in front of the glamorous pier. One hundred metres along pier often stays Dar Młodzieży (it has only three or four voyages in year).
One of firsts journeys Dar Młodzieży's was to Osaka in 1983. It started on 22nd July. During journey winds didn't help to the Polish ship, but in finals days wind changed and crew could set all sails. So Dar Młodzieży under all sails came to Osaka. The effect was that 200 000 people visited ship in only 12 days.
In Operation Sail '86 Dar stayed 4 days in Newcastle. During that time the ship was visited by scads of men and they hailed it as the most beautiful ship.

In Osaka Sail '97 (whole voyage is 28.12.1996 - 20.08.1997) Dar Młodzieży took first place in tall ships class A. It left behind stern many known ships.
In every year Dar Młodzieży takes part in The Tall Ships' Races and always gets good places (generally 1st, 2nd or 3rd place). In 2013 it was acting a represant ship in the final of Regatta.
Mateusz 3f
My llife
Hello. I spent the last two days at school. I worked very hard at home too. I read the book and made three presentations needed for school. Soon, grades will be issued at the end of the 3rd grade of middle school. We are all fighting for the best grades on the certificate. We want to get to good high schools. I really want 5 from English and that's why I write this. I wrote 4 vlogs on 8.
Monday, 21 May 2018
Today is the last day of our school trip. In a moment we are going to Auschwitz. I'm really scared of my reaction. I think it's gonna be hard moment for me. We gonna spend there two hours, and then we are going to palace in Pszczyna for maybe one hour. After everything we are coming back to Warsaw.
Tosia 3F
Tosia 3F
Today we were in Cracow. we have a group foto under the Wawel's Dragon. We were in Wawel's Cathedral and Castle. The sightseeing was really boring. I don't mean it was bad, but I don't like sightseeing castles or churches. I think the best time was our free time on market.
Tosia 3F
Tosia 3F
Today day was really nice and funny. We spent six hours in Energylandia and I was really tired. We were on everything wich was extreme, that was a big jump of adrenaline for me. I think this day is gonna stay in my memories for a long time. I think now I have better relations with my friends.
Tosia 3F
Polish sailing ships: Dar Młodzieży
The second sailing ship I want to describe is Dar Młodzieży. That ship is a succesor of Dar Pomorza - it took from Dar Pomorza a mission to teach young generations of sailors, it's nickname is Biała Fregata too (differently it is named Biała Dama - White Lady) and a glory of Polish the best known ship (on the whole world). In contrast to Dar Pomorza it was built on Polish shipyard and from the first it is for Polish Hight Sea School. Dar Młodzieży has been cruised 550 thousand miles since its first voyage in 1982. In that time on its deck 19 000 students has been taught.
In The Tall Ships' Races '84 Polish ship beat the American Eagle and Bolivian Simon Boliwar. In Operation Sail '86 people chose Dar Młodzieży as the prettiest ship. In Columbus '95 regatta it won 3rd place in class A (big ships).
On 20th May (yesterday) Dar Młodzieży sailed out on "Independence Voyage" - young people from the whole Poland are going to sail around the world, visit 22 ports in 18 countries - the journey is going to have 380 days.
General characteristics:
type: frigate
tonnage: 2946 t
lenght: 108,815 m
masts height: 49,5 m,
49,5 m, 46,5 m
depth: 6,6 m
sail area: 3015 square metre
speed: 12 knots
crew: 136 trainees + 40 pernament staff
Mateusz 3f
In The Tall Ships' Races '84 Polish ship beat the American Eagle and Bolivian Simon Boliwar. In Operation Sail '86 people chose Dar Młodzieży as the prettiest ship. In Columbus '95 regatta it won 3rd place in class A (big ships).
On 20th May (yesterday) Dar Młodzieży sailed out on "Independence Voyage" - young people from the whole Poland are going to sail around the world, visit 22 ports in 18 countries - the journey is going to have 380 days.

type: frigate
tonnage: 2946 t
lenght: 108,815 m
masts height: 49,5 m,
49,5 m, 46,5 m
depth: 6,6 m
sail area: 3015 square metre
speed: 12 knots
crew: 136 trainees + 40 pernament staff
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This photo was taken on regatta - very high wind blows unawares, that is why all sails is on masts (crew don't have time to throw sails off). Result is big lurch. |
Mateusz 3f
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Polish sailing ships: Dar Pomorza
That sailing ship was built in 1909. Then it was named Prinzess Eitel Friedrich and sailed with German flag. After First World War it was given to France as a war raparations and sailed as Colbert. Poland bought that ship in 1929 and named Dar Pomorza, because most of the cash was given from people who live on Pomorze (Polish region near the sea), but often it was named Biała Fregata (White Frigate). In years 1929-1982 it was training ship, now its role has been taken over by Dar Młodzieży. In Biała Fregata service 13 thousands Polish sailors were trained on its deck. Dar Pomorza had 102 voyages, sailed half million nautical miles, sailed around the world and circumnavigated the Horn. Now it is ship-muzeum, which stays in Gdynia.
Dar Pomorza has three mast, its total lenght is 93 meters, height - 41,4 meters, total immersion - 5,7 m, tonnage is 2500 tons. Its maximum speed, which it ever got is 17 knots (nautical mile per hour). Its crew was 189 sailors.
Mateusz 3f
Dar Pomorza has three mast, its total lenght is 93 meters, height - 41,4 meters, total immersion - 5,7 m, tonnage is 2500 tons. Its maximum speed, which it ever got is 17 knots (nautical mile per hour). Its crew was 189 sailors.
Mateusz 3f
Today is Friday. The last day of our school trip. We started our tour from the Auschwitz extermination camp. It was very drastic. The second part of the visit was the camp in Birkenau where we saw the living conditions of the prisoners. The next goal of our trip was the castle in Pszczyna. In the castle lived generations of noble families. The decor of the castle was rich and had many gilding. It was great. Our trip has ended. On the way back we ate dinner in Mcdonald.
Today is Thursday, the next day of our school trip. That day we spent in Krakow. At the beginning we visited Wawel, the cathedral and tombs. Then we took a group photo under the Wawel dragon. At the end we were in the Mariacki church in which we saw the altar of Wit Stwosz. The weather was very bad, it was raining all the time. At 14 o'clock we had free time and then we returned to the hotel. At 8 pm. we watched a film about the Auschwitz - extermination camp.
Today is Wednesday. 16/05/2018. I'm on a school trip with three third classes. This day was brilliant. From Warsaw we left at 6.30 and arrived in Częstochowa at 11 am. We spent about half an hour there. Then we went to the entertainment park - Energylandia. I spent unforgettable moments there, full of impressions. There is the highest rollercooster in Europe on which I was. After a long hours of fun, I felt a headache. At the end of the day, I ate a delicious dinner at the hotel.
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