Hey again!
How is it? We hope that as well. Today, like every
Thursday we had a religion, English, biology, art, Polish and German generally,
but this time there wasn't one teacher and one group could go home.
Unfortunately, not mine: (Ola) During the religion we were drawing. On the
English lesson we were talking about adverbs and we played the game: “puns”
(you have to show what you want to say). On the biology we get marks from quiz
and our posters. During the art we use internet to find descriptions of concepts.
On Polish, which was the last lesson for me (Agata) we wrote a test from
At 15 when I was coming home the weather was very hot
and sunny like yesterday. Um .. No, it was even warmer: D
I did my homework and now I'm learning of history
because we have a quiz tomorrow.
Wish us good luck !;p
After school I went home by train and I was playing
the violin. I was listening to music and resting. In the evening I was studying
history and doing my homework.